What To Know About The Layout Of An MLA Research Paper

A research paper is the type of academic assignment that uses certain techniques and strategies unknown to students. Most of the students are not aware of the format and purpose of such assignments because this is their first time. If you are to compose such any assignment on any subject, you will have to dig deep in the subject and perform literature review to find a potential niche that you want to address in your paper. The format of the paper would vary with different subjects and the requirements from your teacher. Generally, papers in psychology follow the APA format while paper in Math and physics follow the MLA style. However, you should confirm from your teacher that what format she wants you to follow for the paper

The MLA format

MLA stands for Modern Languages Association and is a standard for writing academic papers. This format is usually used when you have to use parenthetical citation for citing your work. If a writer wants to build his credibility, he should demonstrate accountability of the source material. When you use the MLA style for citing the sources you would avoid any cases for plagiarism, as you will not have any unaccredited sources in the paper

The guidelines for writing a research paper in MLA format

If you are to compose an effective paper following the MLA style, then you should follow the given guideline

  1. Open a blank Microsoft word paper and write your assignment on a standard white 8.5 by 11 inch paper
  2. The entire text in your paper should have double spacing
  3. Use a readable format for your paper like Times New Roman or Arial. Whatever font you choose for the paper it must be readable and have clear distinction between italics, bold and regular styles
  4. The font size should be ideally 12 points
  5. The entire paper should have one inch margin on all sides from top, bottom and sides
  6. The paper would involve a running header with the page numbers in the upper right corner. If your teacher has any other preferences then you should keep that in mind
  7. Use italic style for the titles of longer works or when you have to provide emphasis on something in your paper
  8. Include the end notes on a separate page after your works cited page

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