How To Avoid Stress While Writing IB Extended Essays
What is a International Baccalaureate extended essay?
An EB extended essay is a lengthy and through piece of independent, self direct research conducted and written up by a student working to earn their IB degree. On average, a strong IB essay ranges between four thousand and five thousand words in length, and represents at least forty to sixty hours of original research, including background reading.
How is an International Baccalaureate extended essay evaluated?
An IB extended essay is graded according to several dimensions, including the thoroughness of the research, the completeness and originality of thought, the quality of the prose, the strength and originality of the arguments posed in the paper, and the quality of the text and data. A solid IB extended essay is exemplary in each and every one of these grading criteria.
Writing a high quality IB extended essay can be very stressful
If you would like to succeed in your pursuit of an International Baccalaureate degree, you must place a great deal of effort, consideration, and time into the construction of your IB extended essay. These essays are long, and take several weeks to prepare at the very least, including background research and readings. It’s no wonder, given these high stakes and even higher expectations, that many IB pupils find the task to be a huge source of stress.
Unfortunately, stress can foster procrastination and lead to worse academic outcomes. While you are preparing for your IB extended essay and writing it, you should avoid external sources of stress as much as possible, and adequately manage the nervousness you are personally feeling. Fortunately, there are several places you can turn for assistance in mitigating anxiety.
Turn to your adviser or professor
Every International Baccalaureate student studies directly under the tutelage of a professor, tutor, or other instructor. You should have a particular faculty member who is assigned to you, and who takes responsibility for advising you in the extended essay writing process. Turn to your mentor for advice about time management, stress management, and for an accurate sense of your performance so far. Ask them for practical as well as personal advice on how to use your time effectively.
Turn to your peers
You should also seek out fellow IB students who can speak to the same stresses you are presently experiencing. Find time in your schedule to socialize, and talk about your feelings and fears. Swap studying strategies and share a few laughs. The camaraderie will help you manage your stress and complete your essay with less trouble.
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